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What is it?
Spring at Peterkin is a companion to Autumn at Peterkin - for those new to our Holy Community, a chance to experience Peterkin for the first time, get to make some new friends, and see what a weekend here is like; for those who have already made Peterkin part of your spiritual life, a chance to reconnect with the place and the people with whom you share this pace.
What will the weekend be like?
In addition to having lots of free time to walk, talk, laugh, sing, pray, eat and worship, we'll have an ice breaker to get to know each other, and a short program to help bring us closer together. This weekend's program will be focused on "NOTICING" - becoming mindful of the extraordinary things in the ordinary world around us. This will be led by Beth Marquart, who many of you know for all of her contributions supporting the work of the diocese and sharing her preaching and teaching gifts.
What should I bring?
Your authentic self, your curiosity, your walking shoes, your appetite, clothes to adjust to a variety of temperatures (April can be warm and sunny or cool and rainy), your voice, your guitar, books to read, snacks to share.
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